Origami Studio is a super power prototyping design tool which was launched by Meta. I edit this chinese tutorial to help coworkers use it better.

Origami Studio is a super power prototyping design tool which was launched by Meta. I edit this chinese tutorial to help coworkers use it better.

Origami Studio is a super power prototyping design tool which was launched by Meta. I edit this chinese tutorial to help coworkers use it better.



Early Access To Prototype

Early Access To Prototype

When I was working at Putao Tech, the design team was faced with a large number of new product design tasks. One of the characteristics of children's products is that the amount of protyping design was very large, so the design team needs to use prototyping tools frequently in our work.

Early on we used the Principle because it was easy to use and it's very efficient. Similar to our two apps, AR Pinyin and Logic Party, we use principal extensively.



Motivation For Tutorials

Motivation For Tutorials

In the early days, the requirment for making realistic interactive prototypes was relatively high, requiring the use of some native development tools, and designers requiring rich front-end experience. Tools like principal may indeed be more efficient. There is no problem in making a prototype MVP for verification, but for some special details of interactive experience requirements, it seems to be insufficient.

At that time, design team also tried to use the Quartz Composer based on Xcode. Due to many problems in performance optimization and start-up cost, it was difficult to use in the workflow.

Fortunately, the Facebook launched the native application called Origami, which solved the above problems.



Tutorial Design

Tutorial Design

So after origami studio was launched, I started editing Chinese description files to help the team use it better and improve the team's work efficiency.

Later, when I was in iQiyi, I also used origami to make corresponding prototypes to improve the degree of landing reduction.

If you are interested in it, you can send me an email.

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@2023 KevinZhao

By KevinZhao

@2023 KevinZhao

By KevinZhao

@2023 KevinZhao